
Why English? 


Here's why. 

So much of what you do will rely on your ability to communicate effectively – in writing, by speaking and by presenting. You will need to read information to make sense of it, and you will need to know how to respond. 

EXPRESS YOURSELF! Learn how to write effectively across a number of genres. Use oral skills to inform, persuade and/or entertain.  Create visual texts that express ideas, concerns or issues that matter to YOU.

- READ! The benefits of reading are well known – reading for pleasure helps you to better process information. Read literature to explore what it means to be human.  Watch films to understand how we are provoked, entertained and manipulated every day by visual media. Become a critical consumer of written, visual and oral texts.

- REFINE your arguments and become a critical thinker – these skills will get you through many subjects …and life!