Year 9 Drama

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Gillian Oosthuizen.

Why study Drama? 

Firstly, perhaps the most important reason to take Year 9 Drama – is that it is FUN and always hands-on! 

This course promotes motivation to learn by emphasising active hands-on engagement and creative risk-taking. Part of the joy of all Drama courses is that you don’t just study Drama: you do it. Through purposeful play, both individual and collaborative, drama students discover how to link imagination, thoughts, and feelings. They will learn to interpret and communicate ideas, practice problem solving, extend their creative thinking skills. Drama permeates our everyday lives and serves a variety of purposes. It enables us to understand ourselves, the people around us, and the world in which we live. 

Drama education increases creativity and open-mindedness. Creativity is cited by business leaders as the top leadership competency for the future. Studying Drama teaches determination and resilience – qualities useful to any career. It teaches us that it is okay to fail, to not get things right the first time and to have the courage to start again.

This course has a practical focus and emphasizes three essential skill areas: 

● The building of self-confidence and self-esteem this emerging through the increased exposure to informal performance situations in the safety of the Drama classroom. 

● Development of social skills and the ability to work collaboratively and tolerantly with others – learning how to negotiate and compromise.

● Development of creativity through the creation and devising of your own material given a framework or scaffolding, through interpretation of stimuli and being challenged to explore different forms. 

We will journey practically through various basic performance techniques and explore the foundations of theatre as we know it, through exploration of theatre forms such as Greek Theatre, Commedia dell ‘arte and Musical theatre. 




Note that picking a course doesn't guarantee entry.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the year level dean or the Future Pathways team for support and guidance.