Year 11 Food Technology
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Olly Webb.
This course is the start of qualifications for the Food Technology or Hospitality industry and a starter course for Year 12 Food Technology. Students will develop a portfolio of design ideas through research and will use their ideas to design and manufacture a food product for a particular purpose.
Materials and Processing Technology is a hands-on, creative subject that encourages ākonga to explore the three strands of the technology curriculum through the design and creation of fit-for-purpose outcomes. The practice of technology is grounded in intervention by design and ākonga will have multiple opportunities to demonstrate this.
Ākonga will cultivate life-long practical skills and learn to incorporate collaboration into their technological practice. They will also develop an understanding of sustainable practices through research and application.
Food Technology is a growing fast collaborative subject and is highly desired by Universities. If you have any queries regarding food technology, please email [email protected]
We ask that a contribution of $130 is made to cover the take-home component of food for students selecting this course.
Course Overview
Term 1
The students begin the year looking the term Hakari and investigate an Issue (problem to be solved) regarding finger food for a selected staff member. Once they have determined the attributes of the issue they can write a Brief and start to come up with some Conceptual designs to fulfill their Issue.
Term 2
The students are testing and trialing their ideas for a finger food to be served after a powhiri. They will then all make 10 items of their food and serve it in the staffroom.
Term 3
The students are looking at trialing different ingredients and techniques whilst making a healthy lunch. They are assessed when they make a two minute video demonstrating how to make their dish.
Term 4
Sustainability External project. The students are writing a report about the steps they took in creating their finger food and how they applied sustainable practices in the process.
Recommended Prior Learning
It is recommended that students have completed a Year 10 Food Technology programme but it is not a prerequisite for selecting Year 11 Food Technology.
Please note that class numbers are limited to 24 for this subject
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
We ask that a contribution of $130 is made to cover the take-home component of food for students selecting this course.
Description | Type | Value |
Take home component over the duration of the year | Contribution | $110.00 |
$110.00 |
Assessment Information
It is anticipated that three of the four Achievement Standards will be assessed in 2024, to make a combined total of 16 Level One credits.This will consist of the two Internally assessed standards and one of the Externally assessed standards.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
Materials and Processing Technology 1.1 - Develop a Materials and Processing Technology outcome in an authentic context
Materials and Processing Technology 1.2 - Experiment with different materials to develop a Materials and Processing Technology outcome
Materials and Processing Technology 1.3 - Demonstrate understanding of sustainable practices in the development of a Materials and Processing Technology design
Materials and Processing Technology 1.4 - Demonstrate understanding of techniques selected for a feasible Materials and Processing Technology outcome
Note that picking a course doesn't guarantee entry.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the year level dean or the Future Pathways team for support and guidance.